Full form of i.e. and e.g. - What is i.e. and e.g.
FULL FORM of "i.e." is:
"id est"
FULL FORM of "e.g." is:
''exempli gratia''
- Intro
- Full form
- About the words
- examples
- conclusion
Hey guys welcome back to another article, I guess you like
these type of full forms if you do then please comment. So you always used
these word and seen them in most of the paragraph, but did you know the full
form of it? I think most of you know that but it’s my work to tell you the full
form no matter most of you know but those who don’t know must have to know this
full forms.
Full form:
@FULL FORM Of i.e. is “id est” .
i.e का फुल फॉर्म “id est” है.
@FULL FORM of e.g. is “exempli gratia” .e.g. का फुल फॉर्म “exempli gratia” है.
About the words:
So basically these
are the Latin words, and they used for almost many years I don’t know the time
period if you wanna know then do Google it, I can only tell you the full form
and some basic knowledge about it.
The word i.e. is
also a Latin word which actually means “THAT
IS” but the full form is different as you know, this is because these are
Latin word right every language had different words, and their meaning. By the
way did you know the full form of php in programming languages?
The word e.g. is
also a Latin word which means “FOR
EXAMPLE” isn’t it so different from it’s full form, but it’s Latin other
language right.
1st: In India there is many states e.g. Maharashtra, Uttarakhand and etc.
2nd: I don't like all veggies e.g. Bitter guard, etc.
3rd: I like banana mixed in milk i.e milk shake.
4th: I am a vegan i.e. i do not eat any animal based product.
Where they used mostly:
If i talk about i.e. it is used mainly at the phrases where you have to use some reference or talk about some thing, but rather say it's name directly you use some sentence and then add two sentences with the help of i.e. as you see above where i use i.e. at the almost middle of the sentence to completely add my two sentences and tell the thing i talk about.
If we talk about e.g. it's simple when we need to give examples then we used it.
Question generally asked:
- When to use the Latin abbreviations i.e. and e.g.?
- When to use ex vs EG?
- What is the difference between i.e. and e.g.?
- What does "e.g" mean, or stand for?
- When and how should you use i.e.?
- When to use the Latin abbreviations i.e. and e.g.?
- What is the difference between i.e. and e.g.?
- When to use IE vs Ex?
So the conclusion is used the words perfectly and carefully coz the words you say might be hurting someone, so think before you speak. Did you know this full form before let me know?
TAGS (ignore):
full form of i.e. in Hindi, full form of i.e. and
e.g., full form of i.e. in English, full form of i.e. in Math’s, full form of
i.e. and e.g., full form of e.g., full form of e.g. in English, full form of
e.g. in Hindi, full form of e.g. example, full form of i.e., full form of i.e.